About us

World Economy Society

The World Economy Society (WES) aims to facilitate the approach and intellectual, scientific and professional exchange in the field of research and teaching in areas related to the world economy.

The World Economy Society is a society open to professors from universities and research centers around the world, as well as to other professionals or scholars of that discipline.

Among the activities carried out by the WES, the following stand out:

  • Promote the exchange among members of information and content of interest about the world economy
  • The publication of the Journal of World Economy indexed at an international level
  • Promote the organization of conferences, seminars, workshops and courses. A conference is organized annually under the name of the World Economy Meeting
  • Facilitate the discussion and analysis of the problems that affect the research and teaching of the World Economy in order to find solutions

The WES is a member of the Confederation of Scientific Societies of Spain (COSCE).

Board of Directors

Valpy Fitzgerald

HONORARY PRESIDENT, University of Oxford

Carlos Berzosa Alonso-Martínez

HONORARY PRESIDENT, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Daniel Díaz Fuentes

CHAIRMAN, Universidad de Cantabria

Clara García Fernández-Muro

VICE PRESIDENT, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Encarnación Moral Pajares

VICE PRESIDENT, Universidad de Jaén

Ángeles Sánchez Díez

GENERAL SECRETARY, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Eduardo Bidaurratzaga Aurre

GENERAL SECRETARY, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Ángela Andrea Caviedes

TECHNICAL SECRETARY, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Ana Lara Gómez

TECHNICAL SECRETARY, Universidad de Cantabria

Fernando Alonso

TREASURER, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Alfredo Macías Vázquez, Universidad de León.
Andrea Goldstein, OCDE.
Angel Vilariño Sanz, Consultor internacional.
Augusto Mateus, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Portugal).
Bernarndo Kosacoff, CEPAL, Universidad Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Carlos R. Azzoni, Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brasil).
Carmen Dolores Wehbe Herrera, Universidad de la Laguna.
Encarnación del Moral, Universidad de Jaén.
Erika Krämer Mbula, Institute for Economic Research (Sudáfrica).
Gerardo Fujii, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México).
Irene Maestro Yarza, Universistat de Barcelona.
José Cuesta, Banco Mundial y Georgetown University (Estados Unidos).
Julio Herrera Revuelta, Universidad de Valladolid.
Julio López Gallardo, Universidad Autónoma de México (México).
Manuela de Paz Báñez, Universidad de Huelva.
Marco Romero Ceballos, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador).
María Teresa Aceytuno, Universidad de Huelva.
María de la O Barroso, Universidad de Huelva.
Marta Fernández Redondo, Universidad de A Coruña.
Massimo Florio, Università degli Studi di Milan (Italia).
Moisés Hidalgo Moratal, Universidad de Alicante.
Rafael Cáceres, Universidad de Sevilla.

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