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The challenges of the world economy are every day greater and the academic community plays an essential role in the discussion on post-pandemic scenarios. Elements such as digitization, the green economy, the reduction of inequalities, among others, will define the world in which this generation and future generations will live. From the academy we have the professional and moral responsibility to generate debates to guide economic policies.
The World Economy Society (WES) responds to this challenge by facilitating the approach and intellectual, scientific and professional exchange in the field of research and teaching in areas related to the World Economy. It is a society open to professors from universities and research centers around the world, as well as to other professionals or scholars of that discipline.
World economy news
Conferencia Fiscal Coordination and Redistribution
Valpy Fitzgerald, nuestro presidente honorífico participará en la conferencia "On International taxation and income distribution" el...
Se aplaza la fecha de envío de resúmenes al 15 de marzo
Se aplaza la fecha de entrega de resúmenes de comunicaciones para la Reunión de Economía Mundial del 2022 hasta el 15 de marzo. Además se...
La SEM celebrará elecciones a la Junta Directiva
La Comisión Permanente de la Junta Directiva de la Sociedad de Economía Mundial, reunida con fecha 24 de enero de 2022 y dando...
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