
Journal of World Economy

The Journal of World Economy is a publication edited by the World Economy Society. It is an international scientific journal that is listed in prestigious international indexes.


The journal was founded in 1999 with the aim of disseminating scientific research on the World Economy in the broadest sense that was being carried out mainly in the Spanish language, although the journal is also open to the publication of articles in other languages, especially in English.

The journal has the ambition to become an obligatory reference in World Economy studies at the international level. For this, it hosts original research articles, grouped into monographic sections and general sections. But it also makes room, in a separate section, for review papers, essays and other papers. To guarantee the quality of the publication, all papers are subjected to a double-blind evaluation process. The sending and processing of articles for publication has no cost for the authors.

Journal of World Economy currently has the support of a large number of universities and academics around the world. The aim of international dissemination of the REM is also reflected in the fact that more than 200 professors from very different countries have subscribed to it and it is exchanged for more than 40 journals around the world.

It allows full open access to all published content, which means that all articles are available to users immediately after publication. The non-commercial use and distribution of it is allowed if the authorship and source are cited, insofar as they are under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY): any exploitation of the work is allowed, including a commercial purpose, as well as the creation of derivative works, the distribution of which is also permitted without any restriction.

Learn more about the journal and how to publish



Social Sciences Citation Index, created by Thomson Reuters. Impact Index JCR.


Bibliographic database of abstracts and citations of articles from Elsevier scientific journals. They also elaborate the SJR index.


Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.


The global source for journal information since 1992.


Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.


AEA´s Electronic Bibliography of Economics Literature throughout the World.


Portal for the dissemination of Hispanic scientific production.


Directory of open access journals.


Online resources database.


Center for Scientific Information and Documentation. CSIC. MEC.

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Cover for Sociedad de Economía Mundial/World Economy Society
Sociedad de Economía Mundial/World Economy Society

Sociedad de Economía Mundial/World Economy Society

La SEM tiene por objeto facilitar el acercamiento y el intercambio intelectual, científico y profesional entre investigadores y docentes de la Economía Mun